Being an Onlyfans comedian

We chat to Lauren Compton, a onlyfans model, influencer, comedian, actress and a former playboy model. Here is an overview of what we discussed: [[06:41]] Managing multiple roles In onlyfans, being a comedian and acting. [[12:17]] Detoxing from multiple projects [[14:01]] What you would never expect with Lauren [[25:17]] Types of BS in acting, comedy, only …

Being an Asian American tiktok star

We chat to Mike Kim, he is a man who after graduating from Cal State University Northridge in 2015 with a Communication Studies degree and taking jobs he despised, he decided to pursue his dreams at the age of 29 in 2019.   Now in 2022, after Covid hit the LA comedy scene, he decided to …

Founder of Wrong comedy

In this episode we have the amazing, Bob Walshy Walsh. He is a committed AFC Wimbledon fan, comedian of 20 years and chief organiser of Wrong comedy, a show he has been running since 2012, which is the most controversial and mad comedy show in Edinburgh you will encounter. This is a great episode, where …

Being an improviser and standup

In this episode, we chat to a very innovative and unique comic who combines both standup and improv into a melting pot of hilarious comedy, Mr Lewis Dunn. He is very and inquisitive comedian, where the biggest lesson is being the best you as a comic, here is an overview of what we discussed: Recognising …

Being a pro comic in Melbourne

In this episode we chat to Danny Mcginlay, Australia’s only Three Michelin star Comedian, who is also a podcaster Aussie rules and football fanatic. It was great and delightful episode your going to love, here is an overview of what we discussed: The comedy scene and the main clubs in Melbourne Key basics of mcing …

Running a comedy club for kids

In this episode we chat to Tiernan Douieb a comedian, podcaster and co-organiser of Comedy club 4 kids. This is a comedy organisation that has been running for over 15 years and pride itself on providing cracking entertainment for children the age of 6 and over. He is a veteran of the UK comedy scene …

Charming the Irish and London comedy scenes

In this episode we chat to Aideen Mcqueen, a comedian on the Irish and London comedy scene with charm to conquer any audience, in this episode we discussed: How she got started at the Kilkenny comedy festival How people react when people know you do comedy What I consider to be the biggest problem with …

The Seattle comedy scene

In this episode we chat to Laura Lyons, a comedian on the Seattle comedy scene and a would be lawyer. In this episode we discuss: How to get kicked out a comedy scene How Seattle differs to other comedy scenes Being a woman in comedy Why she started comedy to make friends Why she chose …

Founder of the Faversham fringe festival

In this episode we chat to Ribs Norman, founder of the Faversham fringe festival, playwright, web developer, comedy promoter and comedian. She was a remarkable lady who as a result of all her various roles has a very diverse view of comedy shows and being a comedian. In this episode we discussed: How she got …

Running Polish speaking comedy clubs in the UK

In this episode we chat to Polish comedian and jazz lover, Mike Topoloski, he is a man who has built a massive comedy chain of clubs, all in Polish across the UK. In this episode we cover: How he got started in Polish speaking comedy shows How he has team of people that help him …