Being a clown and theatre director

We chat to fellow Gaulier Alumni, Tom Fox, who had the unique name of Tom Fox FBI. He is a theatre practitioner, comedian, clown and director from Peterborough. His work crosses disciplines such as improvisation, comedy, movement and music. He is artistic director of devising theatre company Lamphouse theatre. Here is an overview of what …

Being my own boss

We chat to the brilliant, Jeff Leeson, a comedian who started at 14 and is now 37, he is a man who after getting rejected from Yuk Yuks has become a comedian who built his own tours and shows. He is now been dubbed the king of crowd work and is living his comedy journey …

Being a British and Italian comic

We chat to the scintillating comedian, Luca Capani, one of my favourite acts on the circuit, a comedian who beat the notorious Comedy store gong show on his first ever comedy gig. He is making waves on both the Italian and UK comedy scene and is an absolute treat for anyone who watches him live. …

Being a professional street performer and comedian

We chat to the brilliant Quinn Beasley an up-and-coming comedian and street performer, who moved from Vancouver to London, where he is storming the streets of london and stand up comedy clubs across the UK. here is what we discussed : [[02:19]] How I became a comedian from being a busker [[04:50]] Why I became …

Being an MC, comedian and musician in the midlands

We chat to the brilliant Stevie Gray a comedian who moved from the London to Midlands, where he has become one of the best promoters, mcs and musical comedians in the area. here is what we discussed : [[05:46]] A lot of comedy is about marketing [[07:35]] How I got started in comedy [[09:51]] Finding …

Malaysian comedy sensation Kavin Jay

We chat to the brilliant Kavin Jay, a comedian who has become a star in his homeland, he talks about being at the beginning of Malaysia ascent into comedy to now being one of the best comedy scenes in South East Asia, here is what we discussed : [[01:30]] Men buying drinks [[8:30]] Why I …

Famous comedy author Sally Holloway

We chat to the brilliant Sally Holloway, a former comedian,with decades of experience on the UK comedy scene, who wrote the famous comedy book, “A serious guide to joke writing.” Its a very famous comedy writing book and allows us to explore the author of one of the best comedy writing books out there, here …

Trying street performing and standup

In todays episode we talk to Chris Knight where we talk about trying standup in many different artforms, what success means, how we should focus on what we are doing rather than anyone else. If you would like to find out what we discussed, here it is: 01:13 Australian food, pie floater mixed with Adelaide …

Why I left standup to become a writer

Here we have the amazing Joanne Lau a former comedian on the UK comedy circuit, who after many years of gigging on circuit, hating it, decided to follow her hero Tina Fey and focus more on script writing. This is a great podcast for knowing when to pivot careers and focus, here is an overview …

Starting comedy at 14

Here we chat to comedy prodigy and future star, Neko White, a comic with gigantic balls who started comedy at 14 and is now 28. He is an absolute inspiration and someone you will love. Here is an overview of what we discussed: [[06:55]] Starting standup at 14 [[12:01]] The work he has put in to …